The Vruddhashram provides Tiffin Service to the elderly people residing in the city of Bhavnagar.
- Currently, the Ashram serves around 290 households out of which 20 households get Tiffin Service free for cost for a lifetime as they are economically not capable of paying the token Tiffin charges.
- The Tiffin charges are Rs. 2300/- per month for two times meal including delivery charges.
- Tiffin servicemen deliver the Tiffins and also take back the same twice a day.
Menu for lunch is Roti (રોટલી), Daal (દાળ), Rice (ભાત), Sabzi (શાક), Beans (કઠોળ), and Salad
Menu for dinner is Khichadi (ખીચડી) Kadhi (કઢી), Bhakahri (ભાખરી), and Sabzi (શાક).
- Tiffins get delivered at 11 in morning and 6.30 in the evening.